Pledge the Platform
February 21, 2023 9am – noon
Mark your calendar now and stay tuned for updates on featured speakers, cosponsors, and events.
February 21, 2023 9am – noon, in the Rotunda of the Missouri State Capitol Building, 201 W. Capitol Avenue, Jefferson City, MO 65101
Many MRA-aligned groups from across the state, including
Concerned Women for America of Missouri ,
Frederick Douglass Foundation of Missouri ,
Informed Health Choice Missouri,
Missouri Precinct Project (MOPP) ,
The John Birch Society ,
The Conservative Americans Club,
and other conservative groups will be presenting information on their individual agendas which we all share an interest in preserving.
We’ll also have legislative updates and cards to distribute as you
visit your own Representative and Senator while you are there.
“Like”, “share”, “invite” your “friends” and review details on the Facebook post by the MRA at
Bring your friends for a day of actively
protecting and promoting
our Republican values and liberties!